Wednesday, May 28, 2008

ELLISON is our Newest Addition!

(This is Annie posting for Mom because we had the pics) Mom stayed with us for 2 weeks to help get ready for Ellie and a week after to help me figure out how to get on with life and 2 kids. Calling her a lifesaver is an understatement!! Mom, you are AMAZING! (another understatement).

Camden loved having GamGa to play with. They are big time buddies now! Pretty darn close to BFF :) Did I tell you he gained like 5 lbs when you were here, Mom? That's the sign of an expert GamGa.

We are hoping Ellie inherits some of her Grandma's amazing traits and mad skills and talents!! THANK YOU MOM!! WE LOVE YOU!! ARE YOU SURE YOU DON"T WANT TO MOVE IN? :)