Thursday, July 12, 2007

I finally did it!

Hi everyone. Yea! I finally got something on our blog. It only took 2 days and a multitude of phone calls to the girls for help. I am at Hallee and Landans and have time to type away and organize some of the pictures I've taken. I can't quite get them organized yet, and the thought that I have to post everything upside down and backwards baffles me.

I'm loving the down time and enjoying the family here. We went to an awsome concert in the park tonight. Hallee and Landan live near an old folks home (where I'm going someday. Hallee promised me a wheel chair with a sun umbrella!) A great group of Drs. from the hospital, called the "Mid-Life Crisis", performed. They were fantastic! All kinds of music, and appropriate geriatric jokes. We had dinner, served in the park complete with snow cones. We just walked home and the kids are roasting smores in the fire pit on the deck. I'm just kickin it and enjoying every minute.

I miss you all. Keep posting those great pictures. I LOVE them. Love all of you. We are driving to Sydney tomorrow to see Alan, Landan, Shea, and the "beach boys" (what they call the "migrant workers" from Camarillo. I'll try to get some pictures of them hard at work.

Have fun, and keep prompting me with the blog. I'm on a roll now. The sky's the limit!
Love, Mom, Grandma, Lindann, whatever?

1 comment:

Jes said...

Wow! I'm amazed by your recent blog posts. I check Ari's page often and tend to wander to the links at the side so I can see the rest of the Cheneys that I love. I was excited to see lots of updates on your page. You're doing a great job. I'm supposed to set my mom up with a blog, but it has yet to happen. I'm glad to see you are all having fun and how much your family is growing. I really miss you guys, maybe someday I'll make it down to Camarillo, my husband grew up there until just before you guys moved there. His dad knows some of your family members from when he was growing up...I don't know which ones though.
You'll have to find my page link on Ari's blog (The Autreys) and see all the pictures of my crazy 2 year old girl. She keeps us busy. I'm also expecting our second in December, next month we hope to post as to whether we're having a girl or a boy. Also, we're planning to move to Las Vegas in the fall, so maybe we will get to take a trip your way sometime.
Anyway, keep up the great blogging and maybe try to convince Nickie to start posting on hers too! :)

Jessica Bauer Autrey